Interpretive Guide to the United Restitution Organization Claims Files

Master list of the documents in this guide

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In alphabetical order by English name or explanatory title

Acceptance of Deprivation of Liberty Claim (Feststellungsbescheid C) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Article 2 Application (Claims Conference Article 2 Questionnaire/Fragebogan) - see Article 2

Certificate re Tattoo marks (Taetowierungs-Bescheinigung) - see BEG-general

Damages to body and Health (Schaden an Körper oder Gesundheit) - see BEG-health

Declaration of Yearly Income (Johresorklärung) - see BEG-general

Deprivation of Liberty Application (Schaden an Freiheit) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Entitlement to Health Claim (no clear title in German) - see BEG-health

General Application (Antrag) - see BEG-general

Hardship Fund Application (post-1965) (Claims Conference Hardship Fund Questionnaire/Fragebogan - see Hardship Fund

Hardship Fund Testimony example (no German title) - see Hardship Fund

Life History (headed Eidliche Erklärung, which means "sworn statement") - see BEG-general

Loss of Life Application (Schaden an Leben) - see BEG-loss of life

Notification of pension changes, Saarburg Office (Mitteilung über Rentenänderungen) - see BEG-general

Power of Attorney for Hardship Fund (Vollmacht) - see Hardship Fund

Power of Attorney for Article 2 (Vollmacht) - see Article 2

Rejection of Pension (Bescheid - abgelehnt) - see BEG-loss of life

Summary of Documents Submitted (unofficial title: [beantragen] Feststellungsbescheid) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Sworn Statement (Eidesstatthliche Erklärung) - see BEG-general

Sworn Statement of Witness (Eidliche Erklaerung eines Zeugen) - see BEG-general

Sworn Testimony (Eidesstattliche Versicherung) - see BEG-loss of life

In Aphabetical by German header or name

Antrag (General Application) - see BEG-general

[beantragen] Feststellungsbescheid (Summary of Documents Submitted) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Bescheid - abgelehnt (Rejection of Pension) - see BEG-loss of life

Eidesstatthliche Erklärung (Sworn Statement) - see BEG-general

Eidliche Erklaerung eines Zeugen (Sworn Statement of Witness) - see BEG-general

Eidliche Erklärung (Life History sworn statement) - see BEG-general

Eidesstattliche Versicherung (Sworn Testimony) - see BEG-loss of life

Feststellungsbescheid C (Acceptance of Deprivation of Liberty Claim) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Fragebogan: Claims Conference Hardship Fund (Hardship Fund Application questionnaire) (post-1965) - see Hardship Fund

Fragebogan: Claims Conference Article 2 (Article 2 Application Questionnaire) - see Article 2

Johresorklärung (Declaration of Yearly Income) - see BEG-general

Mitteilung über Rentenänderungen (Notification of pension changes, Saarburg Office) - see BEG-general

Schaden an Freiheit (Deprivation of Liberty Application) - see BEG-deprivation of liberty

Schaden an Körper oder Gesundheit (Damages to body and Health) - see BEG-health

Schaden an Leben (Loss of Life Application) - see BEG-loss of life

Taetowierungs-Bescheinigung (Certificate re Tattoo marks) - see BEG-general

Vollmacht (Power of Attorney for Hardship Fund) - see Hardship Fund

Vollmacht (Power of Attorney for Article 2) - see Article 2

Entitlement to Health Claim (no clear title in German) - see BEG-health

Hardship Fund Testimony example (no German title) - see Hardship Fund

Sorted by Type of Claim

BEG General Documents

Certificate re Tattoo marks (Taetowierungs-Bescheinigung)

Declaration of Yearly Income (Johresorklärung)

General Application (Antrag)

Life History (headed Eidliche Erklärung, which means "sworn statement")

Notification of pension changes, Saarburg Office (Mitteilung über Rentenänderungen)

Sworn Statement (Eidesstatthliche Erklärung)

Sworn Statement of Witness (Eidliche Erklaerung eines Zeugen)

BEG Loss of Life Claim Documents

Loss of Life Application (Schaden an Leben)

Rejection of Pension (Bescheid - abgelehnt)

Sworn Testimony (Eidesstattliche Versicherung)

BEG Damage to Health Claim Documents

Damages to body and Health (Schaden an Körper oder Gesundheit)

Entitlement to Health Claim (no clear title in German)

BEG Deprivation of Liberty Claim Documents

Acceptance of Deprivation of Liberty Claim (Feststellungsbescheid C)

Deprivation of Liberty Application (Schaden an Freiheit)

Summary of Documents Submitted (unofficial title: [beantragen] Feststellungsbescheid)

Hardship Fund Claim Documents

Hardship Fund Application (post-1965) (Claims Conference Hardship Fund Questionnaire/Fragebogan

Hardship Fund Testimony example (no German title)

Power of Attorney for Hardship Fund (Vollmacht)

Article 2 Claim Documents

Article 2 Application (Claims Conference Article 2 Questionnaire/Fragebogan)

Power of Attorney for Article 2 (Vollmacht)