interpretive guide to the united restitution organization claims files

BEG (German Federal Indemnity Law) Deprivation of Liberty Claim Documents

Below are brief summaries of forms which may be found in a BEG claims under the category of deprivation of liberty (Shaden an Freiheit). Clicking the description headers, pictures, or links in the sidebar will bring you a scanned image of the document and (where necessary) an English translation.

Deprivation of Liberty Application

This is the main application for loss of freedom claims. This form can be easily identified by the title Schaden an Freiheit and the letter C in the upper right-hand corner.


Summary of Documents Submitted

This is the formal request for a decision regarding a Loss of Freedom claim. It lists the relevent documents which were required to be submitted in order to receive this form of compensation.


Acceptance of Deprivation of Liberty Claim

This is a response from a German restitution office indicating that the application for compensation under the deprivation of liberty section of the BEG has been successful. It also indicates the amount of money to be paid to the survivor.