A Combined Jewish Appeal flyer from the 1940s, from the William Gittes collection

How to donate

Archival Donations

Copyright issues affecting donations:

As an archival repository, we are primarily interested in unique, unpublished materials. Copies of original material are rarely accepted for archival preservation due to the ownership and copyright restrictions that may arise from their use and distribution.

Collecting mandate:

The Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives (formerly known as the CJC or CJCCC National Archives) is mandated to collect material of historical interest pertaining to the experience of Jews in Canada, with an emphasis on the province of Quebec. As there are local Jewish archives and museums in several other communities across the country, consultation with another repository is often necessary before we can accept a collection of particular regional interest. Likewise, in the case of materials pertaining to the Holocaust, we will often refer donors to a repository mandated to collect in that area.

We focus on the acquisition of original, unique, and generally unpublished historical materials. We do not accept digital versions of images or papers which are available elsewhere in their original form, or, in the case of born-digital materials, if they are conserved in their digital form in other repositories.

Within the above parameters, we are interested in a broad range of subject matter, including materials in all media. Please contact the Archives Director to discuss your specific questions.

Monetary issues pertaining to archival donations

The Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives is not able to purchase historical materials. However, in some cases, a Canadian tax receipt can be issued to the donor by Federation CJA for a portion of the value of the donated materials, under the category of Gifts-In-Kind. If an external appraisal of the material is required, the cost of this appraisal must be borne by the donor.


To pay for purchases of copies or publications, click here.

Charitable Donations

Donations are always greatly appreciated, as they help us to continue our work in serving the public.

The Archives can receive charitable donations by cheque and issue tax receipts through the organization which assists with its bookkeeping, Federation CJA. If you choose to donate to us in this manner, please ensure that your cheque is annotated "for the Canadian Jewish Archives."

Directed donations can be made online through Federation CJA via a specific Canadian Jewish Archives donations page, which you can link to here. Please contact us if you have any questions about this option.